Guilherme Souza


Also known as gsFALCON, a friendly code explorer. With a strong background in Information Systems and the esteemed Adobe Web Designer CS3 certification, I delve into the captivating realms of Python innovation and the enchanting world of web scraping.

πŸš€ About Me

  • πŸŽ“ Graduated in Systems of Information
  • πŸ† Certified Adobe Web Designer CS3
  • 🐍 Python Enthusiast
  • πŸ•ΈοΈ Web Scraping Lover
  • 🌟 Aspiring JavaScript & TypeScript Explorer

πŸ’‘ What You'll Find Here

My GitHub repository is a dynamic platform where I demonstrate my proficiency in coding. You will find a variety of Python scripts, projects involving web scraping, and soon, ventures into JavaScript and TypeScript development.

gsFALCON's GitHub stats

Top Languages

🌌 Current Focus

At the moment, I'm focusing on expanding my expertise to encompass JavaScript and TypeScript. Anticipate engaging projects and new discoveries ahead!

gsFALCON's WakaTime stats

πŸ“š Technologies

  • Python 🐍
  • HTML, HTMX, Django & CSS 🌐
  • JavaScript & TypeScript πŸš€

🌐 Connect with Me

Let's collaborate on coding endeavors together! You're welcome to reach out to me via:

🚨 Disclaimer

Please be advised that my code may incorporate unconventional elements. Approach with a mindset of exploration and adaptability to navigate potential challenges.